CAS | Extra Help Unit

How can we help advisors prioritise the most vulnerable?


The time taken to get up to speed on a case reduced from 15 mins to 30 seconds.

Prioritising urgent cases with AI

Citizens Advice Scotland’s Extra Help Unit liaise with energy suppliers to reconnect energy for people in vulnerable situations. With the cost of living crisis following Covid, they were overwhelmed with demand.

EHU advisors spent lots of time reading long case notes. They feared someone slipping through the cracks - not being prioritised properly. Staff were burning out.

HelpFirst built an LLM-powered plug in to D365:

Risk alerts (icons with text rollover for why the risk is present)

Triage support (highest risk cases are flagged for immediate attention)

Supervisor dashboard (casemix overview and safeguarding log)

From a survey of caseworkers:

✅ 100% say: “I can spend more time on the things I want to in my job”

✅ 100% say: “I can deal with urgent cases more quickly”

✅ 100% say: “I can prioritise cases more accurately”

✅ 100% say: “I am less stressed about missing something important in the case notes”

✅ 100% say: “I can switch between cases more quickly”

HelpFirst has redefined what safeguarding looks like at the EHU. We are confident we can identify all priority cases within 48 hours, even at peak demand
This is some text inside of a div block.
George Holmes
Service Manager

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